Welcome, ladies, gentlemen and variations thereupon to the Hyde Legacy! Dun dun dun. Drumroll. We start our new legacy with the complimentary image of the founder.
This is Dorrogon Hyde. Hopefully I'll get some more pictures of him later on in better lighting. Dorrogon is a neat, childish daredevil with a good sense of humour. He's also the life of whichever party he happens to be at. He has moved into the new and improved Sunset Valley, a town populated entirely with marvellously colourful and interesting sims, who all live in marvellously interesting houses. Dorrogon's house is a bit more... shall we say... modest? Modest. But at least it has a nice view.
So, without much else to do, Dorrogon gets a job in the Law Enforcement career as a Snitch. Then he runs around town meeting new people and trying not to scare them off with his wild personality and devilishly handsome looks. It turns out that this is more tiring than it sounds, so he settles down for a nap in full view of anyone walking past his 'house'.
Naturally he dreams about earning more money to build more walls. I think walls are a key part of any legacy environment.
After his sleep, Dorrogon wakes up remarkably refreshed and isn't at all shy about showering in front of the entire neighbourhood. Now would be a really bad time for any visitors to show up.
Blissfully unaware of the paperboy he has just traumatised, Dorrogon scurries off to work feeling sparkling clean. I wait impatiently for something exciting to happen to my legacy.
After a long and terribly tedious day at work, Dorrogon comes home and tidies up a bit - which means chucking out the dirty dishes and old newspapers and paying the bills.
Having done all that, the founder of this remarkably slow-starting legacy takes it upon himself to invite over the only female sim he met in his travels yesterday.
Summer Smith is suitably impressed at this invitation to Dorrogon's lawn home, and turns up in style a few minutes later. Unfortunately for her, by this stage Dorrogon is conked out on the bed, clearly exhausted by his day of work. Summer is not put off, however.
Clearly Summer is creepy enough to be a co-founder, so Dorrogon does what anyone confronted with a lovely blond woman lying beside them would do, and wakes up.
Aw, they already look comfortable enough to be an old married couple. Dorrogon is inspired by his success, and after some chatting and joking decides to ask Summer to move in with him, because he's desperate for love for something to start happening.
Dorrogon: You're like the sun to me, babe. I can't live without you.
Summer: Guess what? I love dragons, so I'm going to move in with you!
Summer and Dorrogon: *person person plus*!
And so Summer moves in and brings some 5,000 simoleons with her, which means an outhouse is built! Because Summer isn't as blase about flashing her naked body at the street as Dorrie is.
The outside of the outhouse...
And the inside of the outhouse. Lovely. There's even a sink, which means washing the pile of dirty dishes can be done at last.
And so, after another exhausting day, Dorrie falls asleep under the stars again with his new roommate, and they both dream of justice. Clearly a perfect match.

Next Time: Will Dorrogon and Summer ever actually get married? Will there be more walls added to this family home? Can generation one begin at last? Read on, to discover the answers to these questions and more in..... CHAPTER TWO. And also comment if you haven't already.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2012

